
4/10/2022by admin

Bohnanza is the first in the Bohnanza family of games and has been published in several different editions. In the game, you plant, then harvest bean cards in order to earn coins. Each player starts with a hand of random bean cards, and each card has a number on it corresponding to the number of that type of beans in the deck. About This great card game is about planting, trading, and selling beans - 11 kinds of beans (this English version includes all the cards from the original game and the first expansion). Players try to collect large sets of beans to sell for gold.

  1. Bonanza
  2. Bohnanza Review

Game Rules / How To Play / Instructions


If your thing is trading an selling, Bohnanza is the card game for you. Bohnanza is all about planting and managing your beans to collect the most gold. There are 11 kinds of beans in total to keep Bohnanza interesting and challenging.
Bohnanza is a great game that is simple to play. Strategy is involved in game play by avoiding to plant unwanted beans and trading with your opponents. Learn how to play Bohnanza and have a blast playing this addictive card game today.
Bohnanza expansion cards
  • Bohnanza Will Contain 154 Bean Cards
  • 7 3rd Bean Field Cards
  • The Bohnanza Game Rules And Instructions
Player try to plant their beans and then sell them for as much money as they can. The more gold a player earns, the more then can continue planting and trying to sell. Players want to earn the most money by planting, harvesting, and selling their beans.
Please keep in mind that the official Bohnanza rules and instructions could be different depending on the game version you have. The rules below are some of the exact directions that came in the original packaging.

Share with us your comments, funny stories, tips, advice, strategies, creative ways to play, questions about how to play, problems with the directions or anything you want about Bohnanza. All submissions will be reviewed within 24 hours.
Jade says:
In the two player version can the person who's turn it is take one of the three cards turned up that they don't want to offer to their opponent, plant it and then discard it so that his opponent can not plant it?


This article assumes you have played or are familiar with how to play Bohnanza, if you aren’t read my description and review.

Less is usually more
Bohnanza is usually won by a slim margin. Three coins for a third field can help but unless you get it very early it may not be worth it. Especially with more people I think having a third field is less useful as you can usually work out a trade to get rid of cards you don’t want. It even comes down to efficiency, you can only plant 2 beans a turn and so having 2 fields makes sense as you’ll never be planting in all 3 fields (unless you trade to get three types of cards).


Hand Awareness
You MUST plant before you trade. Let me repeat that…you MUST plant before you trade. Remember that when it is your turn you are planting that first bean whether you want to or not. If you don’t want it in your field trade it or donate it to someone else.
A time to sow
Look around the table if a couple other players are in a same type of bean you have to plant it may be better to trade it away. Unless you have a lot of one bean you may want to just try something unique. Then there will be less competition to get beans you want and a higher probability you might get a donation. This is especially true if the bean is rare as there are not always enough to go around.


A time to reap
Watch what people harvest. When a lot of Stink Beans are harvested in round one that means they will be drawn after the deck is shuffled in round 2. So if round one is almost finished and you have a couple Stink Beans in your hand plant them, more are on the way. Again this is even more true in round 3 as the deck is even smaller.

A time to trade
This is a follow-up to the above…watch what people harvest. When I harvest Cocoa both go into my earnings stack. So that means there are only 2 left in the entire deck. If I get one and someone has one planted I need to trade with them if I can. If not I will have to plant a card that has no more of its type. If I have all single fields no biggie, but if not I may have to rip a multi-bean field to get rid of this one.

Bohnanza Review

Time keeps on ticking…
Getting through the deck the first seems to take forever. But once all those beans are planted and harvested the second and especially the third go by quick. In fact the more players the quicker it goes. Be sure to plan appropriately as you may not have time to plant everything you want.

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