Tres Card Game

Special action cards deliver game-changing moments as they help you defeat your opponents. These include Skips, Reverses, Draw Twos, Wild and Draw Four Wild cards. You’ll find 25 of each color (red, green, blue, and yellow), eight Wild cards, three Customizable cards and one Special Rule card inside the 112-card deck. Tres, the card game. Page Views: 2235; Product Code:9574700; Type:card game; Brand:Funskool; Product Description; Make a Trump-Throw and Pick a card to make a set of.
The TRES900 reader is value engineered to meet your most demanding applications for asset and personnel monitoring, vehicle ID and supply chain management. Our integrated antenna design means simple installation and functionality in a single, low profile design. TRES900 is environmentally sealed and IP65 rated allowing for indoor and outdoor installations with a UV resistant housing. Upgradeable firmware allows for protocol expansion and feature upgrades. High gain antenna for maximized read ranges. DSP (digital signal processing) for multi tag anti-collision capabilities. Our TRES900 has multi-reader synchronization for interference reduction.
Tres Card Game
The game ends if a round cannot be cleared. Cards can be removed from the layout if they are one higher or lower than visible deck card shown at the bottom. If the visible card is an Ace, either a King or Two can be played. If you cannot play, click Next Card to show the next card. The wild card can be played at any time, on top of any card.
TRES900-OPTO-ISOL; Inline optical Wiegand isolation module
TRES900-WIE-232A; Data convertor, Wiegand to HID RS232, 2 ports
TRES900-WIE-BUFR; Buffer, Wiegand to Wiegand module, 5-45 seconds, single port
TRES900-PS12035; Power supply, filtered, regulated, 12 VDC @ 3A
TRES900-ISO/WS-HLDR; adhesive backed multi-tag holder for windshield use
TRES900-ISO/CS-HLDR; lanyard style multi-tag holder for ISO tags and TRES433 CS tags
TRES900-LANYARD-CUSTOM; Silk screened TRES lanyard 5/8” x 36”, plastic hook, snap-apart
TRES900-SAMPLE TAG; Kit, includes HT-600G, ISOM, WS421G, WS421CLR, HLT1240, Holders (2), lanyard
TRES900-DEMO-TRVL; travel demo kit, includes case, 900 reader, power supply, tripod, sample tags
Tres900 CREDenTIALS & tags
List Of Card Games

With our TRES900 you can read our tags and transmit the tag data to your controller using either industry standard 26-bit Wiegand and/or RS232 depending on the data line connections. Because we program the data directly into our TRES900 EPC/G2 tags and credentials our output of industry standard 26-bit wiegand does away with the need for conversion modules or translation tables.
Tres Card Game
Take advantage of the wide variety of form factors, lower costs and quick order turn-around with our tags to fit the most demanding needs of your customers.